Friday, November 28, 2008

i'm thankful for...

(taken from melissa)I'm really friggin' thankful for Raffi. I grew up listening to Raffi and now the boys are listening - on my old cassettes, too, though ive only got one surviving one now. Buddytwo asks for "rassi" the second he wakes up. he even prefers it to fall out boy! and i can listen to raffi all day and not want to shoot myself - which is quite an accomplishment for "children's" music.

and in the hopes of upping my visitors im going to post the translated lyrics to les zombis et les loups-garous (zombies and werewolves) 'cause ive googled and gotten nothing! i borrowed corner grocery store from the library and wasnt really paying attention until i caught some words with my super e-l33t high school french. there were no liner notes. so here we go, things in parentheses are only guesses, bold type is the call, regular type is the response, and i cant remember how to type the accent marks. i dont know if this is a french-french song, or a french-canadian song.

Croyez-vous que les zombis (la)? (x4)
les zombis et les loups-garous

Madame Zombi est (les) mechant
Madame Zombi est (les) mechant
Mais sa soeur est plus mechant.
Mais sa soeur est plus mechant.
Oui, sa soeur est plus mechant
Oui, sa soeur est plus mechant
mais sa mere est la plus mechant!

Croyez-vous que les zombis (la)? (x4)
les zombis et les loups-garous

les loups-garous etes (les savage*)

les loups-garous etes (les savage)
mais son frere est plus savage.
mais son frere est plus savage.
oui, son frere est plus savage
oui, son frere est plus savage
mais son pere est la plus savage!
mais son pere est la plus savage!

Croyez-vous que les zombis (la)? (x8)
les zombis et les loups-garous


Do you believe in zombies?
Zombies and werewolves

Mrs. Zombie is bad/naughty,
but her sister is worse/naughtier.
Yes, her sister is worse/naughtier
but her mother is the worst/naugthiest!

Do you believe in zombies?
Zombies and werewolves

Werewolves are savage/wild
but his brother is savager/wilder.
Yes, his brother is savager/wilder
but his father is savagest/the wildest!

* personally i do not hear a soft "a." it sounds more like "sew-vage" but all the french interweb dictionaries are giving me bupkiss and "savage" fits the context.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

going for a third

a third cat, that is. blossom is now inside. she's currently relegated to the crate in the laundry room, but at least it's not outside any more. she had started planting herself at the door rain or shine so i had put a box with a blanket inside for her to sleep in now that the temperature has dropped.

and im done with major gift-mas shopping. i still need to get cards, copies of pictures and ingredients for baking, but other than that, im done. woot!

we've got a birthday party to go to today and are going to attempt the zoo tomorrow. if it doesnt rain.

Friday, November 14, 2008

good hausfrau, badparent

yesterday i
  • did a load of laundry and hung it to dry
  • mopped the kitchen
  • cleaned the bathroom
  • cleaned and re-orged the laundry room
  • took down outdoor halloween decorations
  • fished toy bits out from under the entertainment center in the play room (im kicking myself for forgetting the tv in there for the garage sale over the weekend.)
to do all this, i let buddyone play on the computer from 7:30am until past noon.

speaking of buddyone, here's another story about him from yesterday.

after bathtime, i was swabbing buddyone's ears (usually husband does it) and i saw something. thought it was a big ear booger. im sure you know where this is going. nope there is a "foreign body" in there. when i asked buddyone if he putting something in his ear, he answered "im not telling" which almost always means "yes." and when he finally agreed he put something there, he said he did it "a long long time ago when i was three." and it was "a sticky from the red box. this long (hands held out 6+inches)." i havent a blooming clue what he's talking about. so he's not going to school tomorrow, potentially, so we can go to the doctor and fish that thing out.

im fairly sure it's the hand thingee to a lego person. gawd only knows how long it's actually been in there.

and on the buddytwo front: he was super awesome yesterday. i would not have been able to get all that done if he wasnt in a great mood. he played by himself a lot of the day and otherwise "helped" me. he's also doing the cutest shit lately. he says "geh goo" (thank you) all the time and loves listening to raffi and "yeah yeahs" (yeah yeah yeahs). and he says "o-kay" it's adorable. i think he is growing out of his rapid cycling baby bipolar-ness. and the other day he sat on the little potty of his own volition and peed.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

squee for election day -belated post

I'm finally getting around to posting and if I didnt post on election day, that would be bad of me.

I voted early last week so I don't really have an election day story. When i went, there were a lot of people considering I'm in such a tiny town. We didnt have any interesting propositions to vote for, unlike California. There was a bunch of stuff about changing the city charter.

that was election day afternoon.

wow. i cant believe obama won. and i am so fucking proud to be an ex-pat Hoosier. we stayed up until 2am for the results to come in.

I'm heartsick about prop 8, though. there's got to be something they can do. Usually when there is some major change in rules, there's the grandfather clause. but how do you say this marriage is legally binding cause it's from this date, but this one isnt? and if there is no grandfathering, how do you void all those marriages? ugh.

that's the political. here's the personal - im selling some of my baby carriers, doing a garage sale this weekend and finding someway to sell the other car. woot for money!

and i finally "broke up" with church. We are too far away to be involved in the weekday stuff and sundays are an exercise in frustration. i spend service in the nursery and the adult classes baby wrestling and/or wandering the halls with buddytwo. just not worth it at this juncture. there's a UU church in fort worth i might check out but right now im enjoying "lazy" sunday mornings.