Tuesday, February 12, 2008


or Fucking Fort Worth People.

i stole it from my family who live in northwest indiana and southwest michigan. they have to deal with FIPs - Fucking Illinois People - who like to slum it in New Buffalo and St. Joseph and act like (or have the gall to even say) those towns only exist because they come to spend money there.

anyway. back to my FFWPs. i have this favourite spot i like to drive on the way home that's way high up. and you can look over the lake and the surrounding area. it's beautiful. i would see hawks flying all around. it's on the border of my little town and fort worth. well, fort worth decided to develop on it. there's going to be a 24hour fitness, a movie theater (even though there is already one less than a mile away, but in our town limits) and an industrial park (i smell a strip club.) i talked to a neighbour last week and he said residents closer to the land that's getting all torn up are having major problems with native creatures on their property that are getting pushed out.

i fucking hate fort worth. i drive down jacksboro and camp bowie and there are tons of store fronts and retail space already established they dont need to fuck up every green space squeezing every little tax dollar they can from tarrant county.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I agree. And I think I know what area you're talking about though I haven't been there recently. It's disgusting.