Friday, December 21, 2007

it's an action...adventure...porno

not really. but i love orgazmo.

with the kiddos being sick i missed the monthly meeting for 1919 hemphill. they are looking for a librarian to help with the lending library and i totally wanna be an anarcha...feminist....librarian...doula. im so hungry for activist connection and stuff. im a libra, which means i can be extremely indecisive. im still not sure what i wanna be when i grow up. i could totally see myself going to law school. or being a librarian. next summer im going to start training to be a post-partum doula, eventually a birth doula, but for the next few years, i need steady hours. and after that, i think i will go get my MSW. and ive been really obsessing lately about my previous job as a secretary/paralegal. why cant i do it all!?!?!?!

and in case you are interested, here are boromir's favourite youtubes:

monkey fall out boy
kittycat fall out boy
foo fighters
toadies - i come from the water
dinosaur pearl jam

and this post is going to be all over the place

found an article about breastfeeding research over at hathor. after a whole bunch of hemming and hawing comes this:

Dr. Wendy Slusser, a pediatrician and director of the UCLA Breastfeeding Resource Program, said she didn't understand the need for a 400-page report on breast-feeding and health. "Breast-feeding is better than formula . . . isn't that enough?" she asked. She questioned whether it really mattered that breast-feeding "does prevent this or doesn't prevent that."

you'd think, right?

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